DDHS - Danish Drugtest & Health Services Logo Hvid

Additional services we offer

- for improved safety and working environments

Screening of fixed surfaces

One way to identify potential drug issues in a company is by conducting surface screenings.

DDHS carries out the screening in a way that ensures it cannot be linked to individuals, but it can confirm whether there are traces of drugs in the workplace.

It can be a good idea to screen surfaces for drugs, as it can indicate whether there is an issue that needs to be addressed. No employees are singled out, and the company can use the results to update their drug policy and strategy. Feel free to ask us if you’re unsure about what is possible.

The test kit can also be used to test powders if residues are found, e.g., on a sink.

Fixed surfaces can be:

  • Vehicles
    • Dashboards
    • Steering Wheels
  • Office Facilities
    • Keyboards
    • Desktops
  • Locker Rooms
    • Benches
    • Sinks
    • Toilet Seats
  • Tools
    • Tampers
    • Hand Tools

Individual employee testing

When is it relevant?

If an employee tests positive in a random sample or other context.

This can lead to a written agreement where the employee consents to regular testing over a period of, e.g., 4–6 months.

If you wish to monitor an employee over a period, please consider the following:

1. Confidentiality and discretion

An agreement for employee testing is, of course, confidential.

DDHS offers discreet testing at our location in Esbjerg or at one of our partner locations.

2. Testing agreement

When making an agreement with an employee, it should be written and include:

  • The employee's obligation to undergo testing for the agreed period.
  • Who has access to the test results.
  • Consequences for breaching the agreement

Testing - setup

DDHS can test the employee at the company or our locations to ensure discretion.

  • DDHS coordinates test dates with the company.
  • The company informs the employee on the day of testing.
  • Prior to testing, the employee consents to the test and the communication of results.
  • The result is printed for the employee and securely sent to the company contact. A new test date is then arranged.

Test material: oral fluids

We test oral fluids for several reasons.

  • It is the least invasive testing method and does not violate the integrity of the plague subject.
  • The detection window for drugs in oral fluids is short. Depending on the substance, it can be detected in oral fluids for 10–36 hours. This means only those with daily use will test positive, providing a more accurate picture of any issues.

We ensure discretion and confidentiality

Let our team handle drug testing and employee oversight.

Førstehjælpsundervisning til virksomheder

First aid for companies

Are your employees up-to-date on first aid? Do you need a refresher on CPR and basic first aid?

DDHS offers first aid training at your company. The instructor is a certified first aid trainer.

Contact us for a quote.