2023 was a record year for cocaine seizures at the German border

The police have set an unfortunate record for the amount of cocaine seized.

Another sign of increasing cocaine use in Denmark.

Source: https://www.dr.dk/nyheder/indland/politiet-slaar-kokainrekord-ved-graensen-der-staar-en-kriminel-organisation-bag-naar 

The police have set a record at the Danish-German border.

In 2023, approximately 62 kg of cocaine were seized at the Danish-German border. This represents a 51% increase compared to 2022.

A couple of months ago, 840 kg of South American cocaine were found floating in Sejerø Bay. Unfortunately, the police are not surprised. Cocaine is flooding into the country and across Europe like never before.

Cocaine has become both cheaper and significantly purer, making it challenging to reverse this negative trend.

Danish Health Authority’s Publication on Drug Crime, 2023

According to the Danish Health Authority, which examines drug use and related topics, the purity of cocaine has increased significantly in recent years. During the same period, cocaine has also become cheaper, contributing to the growing influx of cocaine in larger quantities. 


  • Drug Use
  • Illegal Substances
  • Drug Situation

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